Jesus Heals the High Priest’s Servant’s Ear

Morning Cup of J(esus)

Fueling the Day!

Jesus Heals the High Priest's Servant's Ear

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Jesus healing the servant Malchus’ severed right ear is the last miracle that He performs before His resurrection. The event is mentioned in all four Gospels, but the healing is only mentioned in Luke.  There is no other miracle like this either.  To “un-sever” or to “un-cut” his ear is amazing.  All other healing was from a physical or spiritual infirmity. This healing is from an intentionally inflicted injury.

Additionally, Peter is only mentioned in John’s Gospel as the one to cut off Malchus’ ear.  Malchus is only named in John’s Gospel as well. Some scholars believe that Malchus may have become a believer. That is why they believe that John would have named him by name. Since the Gospel of John was written about 50 years after the event, it is at least interesting that John mentions his name as though he knew him.

Another lesson in this miracle is that Christ rebukes Peter and tells him to put away his sword after the incident.  The Lord didn’t want the legacy to be that a man lost his ear by the hand of one of the disciples.  Peter had just been warned by the Lord that he would soon deny Him, yet here he is willing to give his life.  

Matthew 26:51

And suddenly, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.

Mark 14:47

And one of those who stood by drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.

Luke 22:50-51

And one of them struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear.

51 But Jesus answered and said, “Permit even this.” And He touched his ear and healed him.

John 18:10

Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.