About Us/Get in Touch

About Us

Hello and Hope to all of you.  I began this blog in a “hurry.” To begin with, I had never written a blog or created a complete website, let alone handled the technical aspects of a blog. With this in mind, the events from the last year or two have caused so many who know Christ to wonder or even despair.  However, the Lord is not caught off-guard or by surprise by any events or circumstances. Our hope is in the Lord, and I want to proclaim that every day to everyone.  Therefore, we do not need to have fear when dealing with this world because our God is in control. Hence the title: “Put Your Hope in God.”

Additionally, I have a supportive family that has helped me to get started, and I want this blog to be one that turns your heart, mind, and soul toward the Scripture and the God of Hope.


The Burkett family

   Chalayne Burkett

Currently, I work as a public elementary school librarian in Mississippi. I am also a pastor’s wife and the mother of two grown children and several cats. My favorite pastimes include scrapbooking and cardmaking,  cooking, and decorating as well. I have been known to read and write and create things. And, even more, stereotypically, I might add, I LOVE animals, children, and “old” people.

 Dr. Ken Burkett

My husband, Ken is an encourager to me and also helps me with Biblical notes.  For this reason, the sermon notes pages are almost entirely his material that I rewrote in a blog format. Additionally, he has  helped by providing good Bible study resources.


Joseph & Candace Pisani

Candace is our daughter, and she is also a public elementary school librarian. She and Joseph just married this summer. Candace does some proofreading and editing for me, while Joseph helps with some of the technical aspects of the blog.

Doctrinal Statement

We believe the following based on the Scriptures:

  • The verbal, plenary inspiration of the Scriptures and their inerrancy,  both the Old and the New Testaments
  • The Creation of man by a direct act of God
  • The Triune nature of God.   
  • The virgin birth, deity, sinless life, substitutionary atonement, and literal, bodily resurrection of Christ.  
  • We hold that justification is by faith alone in Christ alone, without any addition of good works or personal merit.  
  •  We hold to the resurrection of all people:  the saved to eternal life and paradise; the lost to a literal, eternal Lake of Fire.
  • In terms of prophecy, we hold to a literal, visible Second Coming of Christ.
  • Finally, we hold to the importance of pursuing holiness – both personally and ecclesiastically. 
written by Ken Burkett

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